Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Morale (or... The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves)

I love my school. I've said it before--my school is the jewel in the crown. People walk through our doors and just feel the positive energy. Those of you who know anything about middle schools are aware there there are plenty of substances that could be dripping from the walls; the fact that we're talking about positive energy is definitely an anomaly.

So what makes for good (nay--great!) morale? Well, back in the day, I worked at another school with great morale. There were similarities to my current school; the staff was like a family, we had common outlooks but with enough variety to spurn healthy debate and competition. We LOVED pulling pranks on one another. In short, it was a place of surprise and wonder, where every day the ride in found you thinking, "I wonder what hi-jinks will ensue today."

As educators, we are walking targets. Most of us wear our hearts on our sleeves. We have GINORMOUS egos. (Think not? How many other jobs absolutely depend on your belief that you will walk in every day and change the world?). Any parent/child/community member/news agency can say pretty much whatever they want about us--individually or collectively--and privacy laws and just plain ethics require that we make no response. Don't even get me started about the Sisyphusian initiatives--local or otherwise--like NCLB. The very nature of teaching is giving; it's pretty easy to become depleted rather rapidly.

Personally--and rather selfishly--I recharge my batteries at the kids' expense. That's right--I said it. It had to be said. Your innocent little chidlers are coming to my classroom and I'm feeding off of their wonder, their enthusiasm, their love of life. I've already beat this horse.

At the end of the day, morale is about feeling appreciated for who you are and what you do. It's not about ego-stroking or butt-patting ("Look, Mommy! I went poopy!")--just being recognized.

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