Friday, May 7, 2010

Sometimes You Eat the Bear, or... Knowing When to Quit

I'm not a quitter. At least, I don't perceive myself to be one. I'm a fighter, sometimes when I shouldn't be. I'm an idealist. One of my favorite teachers described me as being, "like Kurt Vonnegut--you like putting sour coatings on sugar pills." I'm not talking about fighting just for the sake of fighting. I'm talking about saying that there's an elephant in the middle of the room... because there is.

Rage, rage... rage...

So, when is quitting not quitting? Live to fight another day, and all that. (No, Virginia, I'm not talking about quitting my job, or quitting teaching, or walking off the planet...). I guess I'm talking about picking your battles, but leaving the battlefield in such a way that the very act of leaving becomes the attack. More rambling, James... way to increase your readership...

The Point: with all that we are asked to do, sometimes we need to be willing to remove our name from something as a statement of our disapproval. We are--each of us--a gift to the world. I won't quote that often-misquoted (or mis-attributed)-quote about Our Deepest Fear, but you get the idea. I'm not talking about taking your ball home and pouting--that's just being a whining whiner who whines. I'm talking about recognizing that there are only so many hours in the day, and we have only so much to give. If your giving in a given situation is taking more from you than it is producing...

Walk away.

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