Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why Standardized Tests Are Stupid and Make Me Want to Club Baby Seals With Dead Kittens

Harsh title? Maybe. I feel harsh right now.

This week, my students are taking a particular flavor of standardized test. I hate standardized tests. I UNDERSTAND WHY WE HAVE THEM, so please don’t e-mail me and explain it. I understand why we have urban decay, a hole in the ozone layer, and teen smoking—that doesn’t mean I think they’re swell.

This one day, the students are taking one test on one particular educational strand. The evidence is overwhelming that one assessment is never a good measure of… well, pretty much anything. (Don’t believe it? See Wormeli, O’Connor, Stiggins, etc., etc., etc…).

Did they stay up late watching the big game/TV show/Internet whatever?

Did they eat breakfast? A healthy one?

Are their parents in the middle of a divorce?

Are the test questions and multiple-guess choices well-worded, or were they pushed through as-is because the company who made them had time and budget constraints and couldn’t/wouldn’t/won’t go back and make much-needed repairs?

Did another class forget to walk quietly through the hallways as they passed my group (probably because they, too, have been in testing and, as a result, have WAY more excess energy than they usually have)?

Should I go on?

How about this: when I was a child, we took the California Achievement Test (despite the fact that we lived in New Hampshire… don’t even get me going…). I could not tell you what my scores were like.

Have I measured up to them?

Should I care if I measured up to them?

[Note for PETA, NSPCA, etc. - I would never--nor would I advocate anyone else--club baby seals with anything, let alone dead kittens. That is the point--that things have gotten so out of hand that I am prompted to act in a way that is completely contrary to my nature. Stop taking yourselves so seriously and go save the whales, ok?]


  1. Isolation chambers are clearly the best solution. OOOOH!!! Get Smart's Cone of Silence!!! Seriously, that's it. There can't be any other solution, until we come up with a better version of children...

  2. I disagree with Jason. Reanimating the kittens as zombies is the best answer. The smart kids who don't pet the baby kitties will live, thus eliminating our need for standardized tests to see who is smart.

    I do agree though that standardized testing could be adjusted so that it better factors in the environmental effects surrounding the student better.
